[nycphp-talk] Oracle Developer Days Details

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Aug 7 13:20:45 EDT 2003

Chris Shiflett wrote:

> --- Hans Zaunere <hans at> wrote:
>>-- After trying to figure out a good place to meet, I'll say the
>>corner of 7th Ave and 33rd Street (this is corner across from the
>>huge Farley post office, right?).
> Well, the Post Office is between 8th and 9th, so not exactly. That's basically
> the NE corner of Madison Square Garden, if I'm not mistaken.

Hmm, well so much for me picking a good meeting spot.  Yeah, NE corner is where I planned, but I could have sworn that would be 7th Avenue.

Anyway, I'm actually on my way to an area somewhat close to there, so I'll pin it down (a digital camera would certainly be handy right about now :)


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