[nycphp-talk] Macromedia Contribute ...

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Tue Aug 26 10:48:27 EDT 2003

It may have room for improvement but their stuff is still better then 
anything else that's out there.  Dreamweaver is the best wysiwig and 
Fireworks totally blew away Photoshop as far as creating graphics for 
the web and is still well ahead.

Aren't bugs and fixes/upgrades a symptom of most commercially produced 
apps out there?  They all seem to suck in one regard or the other.  
Pick your poison.  The solution is to hire high paid in house 
developers...  :-)


On Tuesday, Aug 26, 2003, at 10:33 US/Eastern, Jeff Knight wrote:

> If the Macromedia of the future is going to be anything like the way 
> Macromedia has been developing over the last five years, you're going 
> to get locked into using a buggy, unstable application. Any future 
> bug-fixes will be released as upgrades you must pay for loaded with 
> new buggy features.

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