[nycphp-talk] Encrypt/Decrypt without MCrypt

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Mon Dec 1 11:15:38 EST 2003

I found out that the site admin can, indeed, install mcrypt...and I 
think that's the best way to go.


Christopher R. Merlo wrote:
> On 2003-12-01 10:44 -0500, Brian Pang <bpang at> wrote:
>>Ideally, one wouldn't have to re-interpret the code, but at least you
>>would know that there's a bunch of crap in there you can ignore.
> What I meant is, it will be very hard to debug, maintain, and add new
> features later, if you obfuscate the code *on purpose*.  Lots of us do
> that anyway, by accident.  :)
>>Comparing an MD5 sum stored in a DB also won't reveal what the
>>stored/encrypted data is, which I think is what was being sought here.
> Yeah, I realized that after reading Jeff's last e-mail.  Jeff, it
> sounds like mcrypt is the way to go.  Can it become available to you?
> In other words, can you get the site admin to install it?
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