[nycphp-talk] security? we don't need no stinkin security!

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Thu Dec 4 20:11:23 EST 2003

What about vBulletin ?
Its pretty good and does not cost that much.

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 10:45:24 -0500
"Tim Gales" <tgales at> wrote:

> Chris Shiflett wrote:
> "Yeah, someone really needs to write a forum in PHP that doesn't suck."
> and "It's a shame that there are Perl applications that fit these needs 
> but no decent PHP representation."
> I have been meaning to take a look at the following:
> It is a php conversion of YABB at
> YABB was done in Perl and is highly
> touted (at least at Tucows)
> YABBSE was done in PHP.
> What caught my eye was the following quote from 
> the page:
> "I checked my bandwidth with YaBB SE and its over 2 days 338 mb. When I
> had YaBB gold it was close to a GIG a day"
> If the guy who said that is really on the level (I don't doubt his 
> honesty but there may have been fewer users doing fewer things)
> that would mean PHP is approaching six times more efficient than
> Perl.
> I wish I could find time to check the two implementations to
> see where PHP is more efficient than Perl.
> T. Gales & Associates
> 'Helping People Connect with Technology'
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