[nycphp-talk] security? we don't need no stinkin security!

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Fri Dec 5 11:48:01 EST 2003

--- David Mintz <dmintz at> wrote:
> Help out a comparative beginner here. Why is interdependency a bad
> thing? If A, B and C depend on Y, it means they are all (re-)using Y,
> which leads -- does it not? -- into the virtuous circle of code
> re-use: code getting used, bugs getting discovered, followed by bugs
> getting fixed, leading to more robust code, hence more re-use.

I think the argument goes something like this:

Each module should do one thing and do it well (ala Unix philosophy). For
example, on a Unix system, I can grep through the output of ps by doing
something likethis:

ps | grep foo

Both grep and foo are independent, but they can be combined. Code can work
in much the same way. If grep cannot be used without ps, or if ps cannot
be used without grep, this would be seen by many as a shortcoming.

Hope that helps. I can elaborate, but that's the basic idea.


Chris Shiflett -

PHP Security Handbook
     Coming mid-2004
HTTP Developer's Handbook

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