[nycphp-talk] php5 classes & financial aid

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Tue Dec 23 15:28:48 EST 2003

There's a program in NY that's sponsored by the City and State - I think 
the org is called the Workers Consortium, or something like that. They 
offer money for classes to make you employable. The classes have to be 
on an approved list of some sort though, so someone at NYPHP would have 
to check into getting that done.


ace wrote:
> I would like to know about any financial aid that may be offered for the 
> NY-PHP courses.
> I am currently unemployed/self employed, trying to make any possible 
> living as a php developer, systems administrator, and network 
> administrator.
> I've been working with pup for about 6 years and have developed many 
> applications, websites, and scripts, including several GEL projects. 
> I am looking to learn more about PHP5 and OOP so that I can become 
> a more valuable php developer, hopefully resulting in a permanent 
> position somewhere.
> I also plan to develop a large class library and an interface for that 
> library, to ease php development for beginner developers
> (the sourceforge project & .com are already in place).
> I am far beyond basic concepts and have learned a great deal from the 
> web and free sources.
> However, I would like to have some legitimate php training on my resume 
> to justify the skills that I list.
> If anyone knows of any grants, scholarships, or other funds available to 
> lower working class, low income persons, please send me information.
> I would love to have the opportunity to expand my skills, and be ahead 
> of the php5 oop revolution and become a much needed asset in the 
> marketplace.
> -mike
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