[nycphp-talk] Any PHP5-related books out?

David Sklar sklar at
Wed Dec 31 17:55:39 EST 2003

On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, Chris Shiflett wrote:

> --- jon baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
> > i was just wondering if there are any new php books out dealing w/
> > just php5 (or early adaptor stuff) ... or if there is anything ahead
> > for publications in 2004?
> I'd say the majority of them will be published in 2004. I know of at least
> two right now: one from O'Reilly and one from Sams. There are four
> NYPHPers involved in the O'Reilly one.

In addition to the books that Chris mentioned, Learning PHP
(O'Reilly) will cover PHP 5. It will be available probably in May or
June. There is also some PHP 5 stuff (a chapter on SimpleXML, highlights
of PHP5 features and compatibility of other modules and accelerators) in
Essential PHP Tools (Apress) which will be out in March.


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