[nycphp-talk] PHP as CGI Binary

Hans Zaunere hans at
Wed Dec 31 17:41:31 EST 2003

> In an impending project, I will most likely have to use PHP 
> as a CGI Binary in a shared server environment. Just 
> wondering what kind of "gotchas" I should look out for.

Depending on the complexity and scope of the project, the differences
are generally minimal from what I've seen.  The big one is permissions -
CGI scripts can be run as their owner/group, rather than that of Apache

Another thing to consider is that each request to a CGI script is it's
own process, which then exits when finished.  This probably isn't hugely
important in most cases, but something to keep in mind.  Also, Apache
specific functions ( aren't available.  Lastly, if
the script works on the command line, it'll generally work as a CGI
(since the CGI/CLI versions of PHP are closely related, vs the Apache


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