[nycphp-talk] PHP as CGI Binary

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Wed Dec 31 19:04:40 EST 2003


Thanks for the info. For the most part, it seems there isn't too much to 
be concerned about (I won't be using any of the Apache specific functions).

What about setting my own php.ini file? I'd like to turn off 
magic_quotes and register_globals (and probably a few other things). 
Should I just code around this or can I safely overwrite the php.ini 
file that is in cgi-bin?

P.S. The interesting thing, when I try to view the php.ini file that is 
in cgi-bin, I only see a few settings.

Hans Zaunere wrote:

>>In an impending project, I will most likely have to use PHP 
>>as a CGI Binary in a shared server environment. Just 
>>wondering what kind of "gotchas" I should look out for.
> Depending on the complexity and scope of the project, the differences
> are generally minimal from what I've seen.  The big one is permissions -
> CGI scripts can be run as their owner/group, rather than that of Apache
> itself.
> Another thing to consider is that each request to a CGI script is it's
> own process, which then exits when finished.  This probably isn't hugely
> important in most cases, but something to keep in mind.  Also, Apache
> specific functions ( aren't available.  Lastly, if
> the script works on the command line, it'll generally work as a CGI
> (since the CGI/CLI versions of PHP are closely related, vs the Apache
> SAPI).
> H
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