[nycphp-talk] Passing some form values through to a redirected page...

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Sat Feb 1 15:48:27 EST 2003

Thanks so much. I'll take a look at it.

After this I have to study variable scope some more.


John Seberg wrote:

>On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Josh McCormack wrote:
>>If you find some good tutorials or examples, please pass them along. I 
>>just stuck with using a cookie for a recent password protected script.
>If you used session_start() and related functions, you have
>options to use server files, server memory, or a custom handler
>to store your session variables - rather than cookies. It might 
>only be a matter of editing php.ini.
>I thought this was covered quite well in "Web Database 
>Applications with PHP & MySQL" by Williams & Lane (O'Reilly). 
>They even have an appendix on how to write your own handler to 
>store your session vars in a database.
>The chapter covering Sessions is online:
>Disclaimer: I'm a total newbie.
>>Webapprentice wrote:
>>>Thanks Jerry.  
>>>Now I have to learn about sessions. *laughs*
>>>Jerry Kapron wrote:
>>>>Re. my previous message
>>>>Corrected function:
>>>>function post_save() {
>>>>      if(count($_POST)) {
>>>>            $_SESSION['post_around'] = $_POST;
>>>>     }
>>>>42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Jerry Kapron <nyphp at>
>>>>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Passing some form values through to a redirected
>>>>>This is a simplified version of what I do to pass POST data:
>>>>>These two functions are included in all my scripts:
>>>>>function post_save() {
>>>>>     if(count($_POST))
>>>>>           $_SESSION['post_around'] = $_POST;
>>>>>    }
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