[nycphp-talk] PHP 5.0 release date and is it Enterprise?

Phil Powell soazine at
Tue Feb 4 23:47:19 EST 2003

Well that's all fine by me, to be honest.. I've always felt that each
language has its own advantages in regards to the particular need at hand
(except for anything M$ has to offer, YUCK!)..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Shiflett" <shiflett at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP 5.0 release date and is it Enterprise?

> --- Marc Antony Vose <suzerain at> wrote:
> > Some of my anti-PHP pro-"ColdFusion Rules Above All"
> > friends want to know, and I am not sure myself.
> ColdFusion is fine. There is simply a slight tradeoff where
> ColdFusion is somewhat easier to use and PHP is somewhat
> more flexible. Similar problems can usually be solved with
> either. Of course, some of us find PHP easier to use
> *because* it is more flexible, feeling too restricted
> otherwise. So, it is all a matter of taste.
> I am not sure what, "is it Enterprise?" means. While
> Macromedia releases different versions of CF depending on
> how much money you spend, PHP is PHP. If they mean to ask
> if it is ready for the Enterprise, then they are just
> trolling. Tell them to ask Yahoo! or any of the companies I
> have consulted for in the last three years.
> As for release date, the other poster correctly said, "when
> it is ready." I have seen many people ask, and the only
> answer I've seen from any of the core developers was
> something like the end of 2003 plus or minus 9 months. :-)
> Chris
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