[nycphp-talk] installing mysql extension for php

Andrew M. Yochum andrew at
Wed Feb 5 13:31:16 EST 2003

RedHat has an RPM for the MySQL extension.  You should find it on one of the RH
8.0 cds, or a RH mirror.  The latest one from RH is:
Via rpmfind:

Install that RPM, and you're all set.


On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Matthew Zimmerman wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I recently set up a Linux Sever running Redhat 8.0
> I have MySQL 3.23.54, Apache 2.0.40, and PHP 4.2.2 running.
> Today was the first today I tried to make them talk to each other 
> (using phpMyAdmin) and I received this error in my web browser:
> cannot load MySQL extension,
> please check PHP Configuration.
> The phpMyAmdin documentation says:
> [1.20] I receive the error "cannot load MySQL extension, please check 
> PHP Configuration"
> To connect to a MySQL server, PHP needs a set of MySQL functions called 
> "MySQL extension". This extension may be part of the PHP server 
> (compiled-in), otherwise it needs to be loaded dynamically. Its name is 
> probably or mysql.dll. phpMyAdmin tried to load the extension 
> but failed.
> When I type :php -m" from the command line I received
> [PHP Modules]
> yp
> xml
> wddx
> sysvshm
> sysvsem
> standard
> sockets
> shmop
> session
> pspell
> posix
> pcre
> openssl
> ncurses
> iconv
> gmp
> gettext
> gd
> ftp
> exif
> domxml
> dio
> dbx
> dba
> curl
> ctype
> calendar
> bz2
> bcmath
> zlib
> imap
> ldap
> [Zend Modules]
> So, how do I install the MySQL extension. Do I need to recompile PHP? I 
> looked around the site a bit but couldn't find a clear answer.
> Matt
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Andrew Yochum
Digital Pulp, Inc.
andrew at

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