Form Action Help

William E. Fisher wefisher at
Wed Feb 5 14:53:22 EST 2003


I am using a service (paypal) to process credit card payments. The paypal procedure calls for including a form with hidden fields and values that is then posted via a form action to a cgi script on the paypal server. For security, I would prefer not to reveal all of the hidden field values in the html source code.

Here is the paypal code

<form action=" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
...etc....(20 hidden fields)
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Pay With PayPal">

My question: Is there a way to have a form with no hidden fields and a submit button, "Pay Here," that has as its action a php script on my server that would create and post the data to paypal in the manner expected by paypal without needing to reveal the values in the html source?

For example,

Is it possible to have a first form with no hidden fields and a form action that calls a php script on my server that then creates a second "form" that then posts itself to paypal without ever being written out to html?


Is it possible to have the form with no hidden fields that has as its action a php script that simply creates the expected form variables and values and then simulates a post / form action to the paypal script on the paypal server?

I hope that my question is clear.  Apologies if it seems as confused as I am. Thanks.


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