[nycphp-talk] OT: EditPlus

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Sun Feb 16 16:55:32 EST 2003

--- "Freedman, Tom S." <tfreedma at> wrote:
> I can't say enough good things about UltraEdit, which sounds like a
> competitor for EditPlus (which I've never used).  It's definitely a winner,
> though.

Same here.  UltraEdit is my editor of choice, and with SFTP support and great
PHP highlighting/completion in the new version it pretty much covers all
angles for an editor.

Zend Studio, IMHO, is a differant animal, as it's an IDE.  I don't like the
editing interface as much as UltraEdit (which I even use for binary files at
times), but for all things debugging and PHP, Studio is unparalleled as a PHP
IDE.  It's saved me a lot of pain debugging some nasty loops and the like.


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