[nycphp-talk] RIP problem on Linux Box...

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Sun Feb 16 17:03:44 EST 2003

--- Kerem Tuzemen <keremtuzemen at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don't know if it's OK to post this message here but I've the feeling that
> some of the Linux gurus in this list might help me.
> Personally, I'm not a brilliant system admin but I can read and learn. My
> problem is that a linux box which stays behind our firewall doesn't seem to
> catch RIP announcements from a VPN Server (win2k)  upon client connections
> whereas all other win boxes do.
> I've googled the RIP protocol and found that I need to run gated or routed
> to catch RIP announcements on the network. Is there any other simple way to
> make a linux box catch those (which doesn't necessitate gated or routed,
> since I'm not going to use it as a router or gateway, I only want it to
> update it's routing table) or is it necessary to run a routing deamon?

I haven't done routing in ages, but IIRC you'll need a route daemon to
respond to RIP broadcasts, and if I'm not mistaken routed is favored over

> Any docs, urls, suggestions are highly appreciated.

and I know a lot of the guys at do this type of work and
have a very helpful mailing list.


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