[nycphp-talk] Need FREE PHP site with mySQL

Phil Powell soazine at
Wed Feb 26 16:59:05 EST 2003

Wish I could.. Cox here blocks port 80 and monitors rogue ports as well.
Though I probably could get away with it if need be; problem is my home
system is so freakin' unstable it's not worth trying :(

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher R. Merlo" <cmerlo at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Need FREE PHP site with mySQL

> On 2003-02-26 16:35 -0500, Phil Powell <soazine at> wrote:
> > OK, this might be a bizarre challenge, but I am in need of a free
> > hosting site that allows for PHP and mySQL (or Access or whatever).
> > I have been using for my free DB needs for 3 years
> > and I absolutely HATE the site!  It is extremely poorly developed as
> > far as a hosting service for the free people is concerned (unless
> > you want to pay like the obligatory $35/mo), and I honestly do not
> > have the budget (as in, no budget) to afford anything that costs.
> > What would you suggest I do at this point?
> Out here on LI, Cablevision blocks incoming requests on port 80.  But
> if your [cable|dsl] provider doesn't, you can always roll your own at
> home, which is what I did for a long time until Code Red prompted
> Cablevision to shut it down.
> --
> cmerlo at
> A certain amount of opposition is a help, not a hindrance. Kites rise
> against the wind, not with it.
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