[nycphp-talk] Installing PHP on Mac OS X Server

Larry Chuon LarryC at
Tue Jan 7 16:29:09 EST 2003

At the bottom of this post
(, it has a specific on OSX.
It might have the answer to your problem in regard to httpd.conf.

Did you do this?

on Mac OS X: 

vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf 

Find the following and make sure it is in this order: 

<IfModule mod_dir.c> 
DirectoryIndex default.php index.php index.htm index.html 

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Zimmerman [mailto:mz34 at]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 4:18 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Installing PHP on Mac OS X Server

Hi gang,

Got a new Mac X Serv and am installing MySQL and PHP.

I use the downloads and instructions from Always had
success with these, but I am having a problem I haven't had before.

I follow all of Marcs instructions then type the final command:

sudo apachectl graceful

I get an error

/usr/bin/apachectl graceful: configuration broken, ignoring restart
/usr/bin/apachectl graceful: (run 'apacectl configtest' for details)

when I run the configtest I get the message

syntax error on line 369 of /etc/httpd/httd.conf
Cannot add module via name 'mod.php4.c': not in list of loaded modules.

I will of course open up the config file and look at it, but I thought
if someone had come across this problem before they could tell me what
the fix is.


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