[PHP] XML File does not reflect changes upon reopen - HELP

Marek Kilimajer kilimajer at
Thu Jan 9 09:57:04 EST 2003

There might be couple of problems:
- your php script should read from the cgi script until EOF, so it 
continues after the other script finishes
- your cgi script should fflush the file before closing, and then close 
the connection
- use clearstatcache() before opening the file if the php script 
accesses the file before

Phil Powell wrote:

>I am making changes to an XML file (and the only way I can, unless anyone knows how in PHP I can write TO an XML file!!! is to use a TCL CGI script to write to the XML file), once changes have been made I need to reopen the file and read its contents, however, every time I do I am getting OLD file information and NOT my changes, every single time, unless I refresh my page... 
>Does anyone know what I can do about this? I can't redirect them, that would be horribly inefficient.. what can I do?

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