[nycphp-talk] upgrading apache

Gautam Guliani gautamg at
Mon Jan 13 18:22:33 EST 2003

Since you're running the RH 8,here are the commands you need

See what version is now installed in /usr/sbin
/usr/sbin/httpd -v
(should give you output similar to)
Server version: Apache/1.3.27 (Darwin)
Server built:   10/16/02 21:48:47

restart apache with (as root)
/etc/init.d/httpd restart

and look in the apache error log for a line that looks like
[root at borgcube gautamg]# tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
[Fri Jan  3 17:39:45 2003] [notice] 
Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.23 (Mandrake Linux/4mdk) PHP/4.2.2 
configured -- resuming normal operations

this tells you what version of apache you just started.

Hope this helps,

On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 05:16 PM, Matthew Zimmerman wrote:

> thanks Dan! duh... so I can just install 2.0.43 to a default location
> and kill the older version of Apache?
> I never claimed to be smart. I really like that this lists takes
> questions from people of any skill level!
> Thanks
> Matt
> On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 04:52  PM, D C Krook wrote:
>> Matt,
>> Check to see if the older Apache isn't still up and listening on port
>> 80.
>> If 2.0.40 is up, kill it or change it's default port in the
>> configuration
>> file.
>> -Dan
>>> Hi,
>>> Just got a new server with Redhat 8.0 which as Apache 2.0.40
>>> I need to upgrade to 2.0.43.
>>> Is it difficult to do?
>>> I went to apache's web site, download, compiled, and installed and it
>>> seemed to go ok, but when I checked to see what version of Apache was
>>> running it was still 2.0.40. I gather it is because the default
>>> location for files on the install were different the 2.0.40 install.
>>> I did specify to install in /usr/sbin, which seems to be where Red 
>>> Hat
>>> has apache installed.
>>> Obviously I don't expect to get step by step instructions from anyone
>>> on here about how to upgrade Apache, but I just want to see if I am
>>> over my head. I am not a hard-core hacker.
>>> Is there a simple way to uninstall the older version?
>>> Matt
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