[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE

Jerry Kapron jkapron at
Thu Jan 16 18:10:17 EST 2003

>Just a note, that the Zend IDE has all these features, and includes
>extensive debugging capabilities.  Breakpoints, watches, everything.

 Is Zend IDE also a RAD (Rapid Aplication Development) environment like DM
MX?  It can generate some code for you using what Macromedia calls
exstensions or 'server behaviors'.  This is much more than code snippets.
To gat a better idea take a look at this tutorial:
You can also write your own DW extensions:

I havn't really used much of the RAD functionality of DW MX, since I like to
write all my code by hand, but I can see how much it can speed up web app
development in general. One feature I really like is how DW manages db
connections and dynamic datasets.


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