[nycphp-talk] Passing some form values through to a redirected page...

David Rydell drydell at
Fri Jan 31 16:56:12 EST 2003

how about calling a javascript function to populate a second form (with the
action= your redirected page and method=post) with your required data and
then submitting it?

-----Original Message-----
From: Webapprentice [mailto:webapprentice at]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:52 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Passing some form values through to a
redirected page...

Ok, this is an easy way, no doubt.

How would I do this via POST?  Some form fields may not be presentable
to the screen.


nyphp at wrote:

>>Upon a successful submission of the form on my PHP page, I use the
>>header("Location: ") function to redirect to another page.  I'd like
>>to carry over some form values over to the redirected page to use.
>>Is this possible?  Or is there another way to do this?  I don't think
>>it's a good idea to embed the second page into the main PHP page as
>>the main PHP page will be very long.
>the easiest way is to just:
>then on the corresponding grab the values in the $_GET hash.

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