[nycphp-talk] PHP session id's in access logs

D. J. Waletzky dj at
Wed Jul 2 12:34:32 EDT 2003

Just a thought, but I know Apache can log the username of the client, if
you use HTTP authentication. I know when I look at logs for parts of my
site which use Apache authentication, it does log my username in a
separate field. The relevant variable is $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]. The
problem is that you may have to get users to authenticate themselves...
someone who has a deeper understanding of HTTP authentication should
comment here.

On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 12:00, Winston Churchill-Joell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question about user session id's showing up in apache access 
> logs. We're trying to do some more in-depth analysis of our traffic and 
> sessions came up, of course. My understanding of how PHP manages 
> sessions is that it will propagate the ID in the URL if the browser 
> doesn't support cookies. So how does a user session become apparent in 
> the access logs when the visitor's browser does support cookies? I 
> apologize if the answer to this question is painfully obvious...
> Thanks in advance,
> Winston
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