[nycphp-talk] sqlite/php5

The Rain Maker rainman at
Fri Jul 11 22:02:06 EDT 2003


> does anyone have opinions on the embedded db that comes w/ php 5?

I haven't used php5 yet (other than to say "yup, I got it complied and 
running") so I'd love to hear you comments on it as you play with it 

> im still trying to understand the rift on why mysql was unbundled for 
> it but

No "rift" per se. MySQL has changed it's license for the 4.x and 5.x 
code bases. As such it is no longer compatible with PHP license. Hence 
it is no longer included.

> it has claims of being up to 2x faster than mysql for common 
> procedures ...

MySQL was the fastest kid on the block, when it did a whole lot less 
than what it does today. Not advocating, just remember the MySQL vs 
Postgres wars of old (well... and still current day :)


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