[nycphp-talk] Echoes in Javascript

Tim Toomey ttoomey at
Tue Jul 15 12:13:08 EDT 2003

I have a simple javascript preloader script that I want to use to show the progress of an image upload on a page, and the script looks like it would work perfectly. You do your image defines in the javascript and this is where I run into a problem. I haven't tested this or tried it but I was wondering if you can have an image upload form that would then point to the page where the preloader javascript is....and somehow show the preloading status bar as the image is being uploaded.

I would have to execute php within the preloader script somehow to echo out the name of the image being uploaded and I just wasn't sure if this would work or not. Kinkos has an uploader application on their site that shows the status of the upload and I am trying to achieve something similiar to that.

Any help is appreciated!

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