[nycphp-talk] PHP Editor

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Mon Jul 28 16:44:54 EDT 2003

--- "jim.bishop" <nyphp at> wrote:
> More importantly, the idea of editing live files with vi/vim makes
> my stomach flip. I think any talk of using vim should be coupled
> with talk of production servers vs. development servers, CVS,
> and rsync. The cost of "not having to FTP files" is far outweighed
> by sloppy development standards.

Editing with vim versus editing with something else is a separate topic from
whether you edit on the server or have to FTP files to the server. I think you
are making some assumptions that may or may not be correct.

I have heard many editor "holy war" arguments in my time, but never have I
heard using vim likened to "sloppy development standards". :-)

To give an example, I could just as easily assume that those who mention having
to FTP their files to a remote server are doing so on production servers. I
could go on to say that there is a greater chance of overwriting someone else's
work when CVS is not mentioned, as there is typically a much larger period of
limbo than when editing the files locally on the server (unless you're using
something like UltraEdit with remote FTP capabilities, in which case it is
equivalent to editing locally on the server).


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