[nycphp-talk] POST via PHP

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Thu Jul 31 15:24:58 EDT 2003

One way to do this would be to craft an HTTP POST request and send it to 
port 80 via fsockopen() -- there's a lot of discussion about how to do 
it in the comments on this page:


Christopher Hendry wrote:

> Ok.  I'm sure this is possible, and it occurs to me that I've been 
> pretty stupid up to now for not thinking this, but...
> I need to send some form data from one page, through a frameset and 
> out to a third party (JAVA).  At the moment, I'm switching the $_POST 
> vars over to the $_SESSION vars (in the frameset), then populating a 
> bunch of hidden form fields within one of the frames (from the session 
> vars) and then submitting the request via javascript.

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