[nycphp-talk] setting up AMP w/ RH 9.0

Chris Snyder chris at
Sat Jun 14 14:34:16 EDT 2003

When it comes to PHP and Apache, it is well worth the learning curve to 
build them from source -- neither is particularly difficult and you'll 
have the option of including all sorts of extras that aren't necessarily 
available in RPM. Plus you'll know that you can get new versions within 
minutes of their release, rather than waiting for the packages to hit 
the RH Network.

Your standard Red Hat system might not have all of the tools and 
development libraries required to compile from source. This can be 
frustrating. If you didn't install the Development Tools along with the 
system, and you're not short on disk space, you might want to stop and 
upgade before you try to build anything. Keep the CDs handy for the odd 
thing you might need to add as you go along.

One other note, I'm not sure if it still holds, but the general 
consensus around NYPHP has been to use Apache 1.3.27 rather than Apache 
2.x. Latest isn't always greatest. BTW, I'm running AMP on a RH8 box, 
and it works great. Please don't hesitate to ask when you run up against 
RH's sometimes bizarre administration practices.


David Mintz wrote:

>I've been hacking PHP for a while but I am a RedHat system administration
>rookie, trying to migrate from Windows 2K (tho I sometimes wonder why).
>The goal here is get a development machine working, and serve some
>personal stuff to the world just for kicks.

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