[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL based solution for sending bulk email?

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Tue Mar 18 08:42:02 EST 2003

--- Steve Soler <steve at> wrote:
> I have an opt-in email list of about 200,000 people.  I'm wondering if 
> anyone knows of a shareware or commercial PHP/MySQL based solution for 
> sending out bulk email.  It would have to have the following features:
> - Allow the creation of multiple mailing lists by duplicating existing 
> mailing lists and also copying one mailing list to an existing.
> - Must be able to remove duplicates in each individual mailing list.
> - Force mailings to be associated with only one mailing list at a time.
> - Allow for optional demographics fields on the Opt-In form.
> - Handle Opt-Out / Opt-In requests for each individual email list.
> - Handle HTML email with optional plain text for non-html email clients.
> - Monitor statistics for every delivered email that is viewed and the 
> link clicked through to.
> - Provide a way for clients to view the live statistics of their 
> particular mailing online.

If you want to do this in a professional manner, you may be better off
outsourcing to a company that does just this.  It's inexpensive and would
probably work the best.  Google for php bulking emailing or some variation
and look at the ads google comes up with on the right.

There are also some commercial products, but for 200,000 mails you'll need a
pretty fat bit pipe.


> This solution can run on either a Windows 2000 box or a Mac OS X box, 
> which ever is more convenient.  I know Mac OS X come with PHP and 
> SendMail pre-installed being that it's really UNIX under the hood.
> I'll be using a broad band connection so I need this solution to use 
> the sendmail program (or equivalent) to send the mailings right from 
> the box it's installed on.  This is to avoid having to rely on an ISP 
> or Web-hosts mail server which will think I'm sending out spam and try 
> and shut me down.
> I hope this is clear and I hope some one knows of a solution out there 
> that will do the job.  If there turns out to be none with these 
> capabilities, I'm also interested in possibly hiring some one to build 
> such a solution for me if the price is right.  All feed back is 
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Steve Soler
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