[nycphp-talk] benchmrk probs...

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Wed Mar 26 14:09:16 EST 2003

Hi Tracy,

I believe the problem lies in that the max_execution_time value is expected to
be an integer, and the argument to set_time_limit is an integer.  Your values
are most likely becoming 0, effectively unsetting the time limit.


On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 07:33:26AM -0500, Tracy wrote:
> Hi,
> how to u ask php not to cache inherently the scripts. while using benchmark, i am getting results that i am not content with. the first run is gud, but from the 2nd run onwards, the time falls drastically. is this because, php caches the state? 
> how to go aroung this problem? 
> in one of the scripts, i set:
> ini_set("max_execution_time", 0.00300); but i get 
> Array
> (
>     [1] => 0.003064
>     [5] => 0.003456
>     [8] => 0.003570
>     [mean] => 0.003041
>     [iterations] => 10
> )
> i also tried with : set_time_limit (".0001"); but again the script doesnt time out..
> Where am i wrong?
> Tracy

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