[nycphp-talk] php include file question

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Mon Mar 31 14:17:35 EST 2003

On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 12:52:58PM -0500, Deidra McIntyre wrote:

> <? include("copyright.html"); ?>

  <?php include('./copyright.html'); ?>

What's your OS and web server?  I found that under PHP 4.3.*, Apache,
NetBSD (and perhaps other combinations) there was a recent change in
behavior where the directories above the included files need to be world
readable and executable (meaning "chmod 705").

What error messages are you getting?  You do have error messages turned
on, right?  This kind of stuff comes in handy, helping you figure it out
for yourself, and if you cant, helps us help you.

The suggestions that you need to edit your include path statement in the 
php.ini file are likely incorrect, since "." is in the default include 
path value already.

Similarly, the file extension doesn't matter, nor does the included file 
need to have <?php ?> in them.


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