[nycphp-talk] php include file question

Deidra McIntyre lists at
Mon Mar 31 17:38:36 EST 2003

I passed along most of the emails to the syst. admin (technician) who
installed the PHP on the servers. He's not in till tomorrow.

I will try Dan's suggestion later tonight. Because, that may resolve the
entire issue.

I don't understand the question below. Too much short-hand. To reclarify,
I have basic html pages for the site. Let's take one of them, index.html.
Within index.html, I used several include files to call standard aspects
of the site (i.e. header, certain repetitive images, and copyright). None
of these include files contain php. They are just html (i.e. <p><img

Simply changing the html or include files to .php does not resolve the issue.

Does that clarify it for you?


--> Deidra

 greetings folks,
> you all list  all the problems the include() function can cause,
> i dont think she realy describe her problem,
> i just think she put the <? include("copyright.html"); ?>
>  within  .html\\.htm extension.
> she mention a technician so did the conf the php.ini
> most off them leave the error all ,
> and she didnt say nothin' about error
> and she say :
>> Within the HTML documents that call the include files,
> within the html doc??????
> she call the include() from html doc. ??
> all she need than is to cahnge is the file  to "whatever.php"  and face
> the scond problem :P
> deidra : write the file name  ?
>             and just C/P the code here,
> best regards,
> louie.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Deidra McIntyre" <lists at>
> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 9:52 AM
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] php include file question
>> List,
>> I'm breaking up my html site into includes (header, copyright, etc.).
>> Within the HTML documents that call the include files, I have the
>> appropriate php tags (i.e. <? include("copyright.html"); ?> . All of
>> the includes (i.e. copyright.html) are sitting in the same directory
>> as my html pages (i.e. index.html). PHP is installed.
>> So, why, no matter what I do, don't the include files parse into my
>> document? I have tried to changed the include extensions from .html to
>> php to .inc. None parse. Most of my includes contain basic HTML (no
>> php) like <p>Copyright &copy; 2003. All Rights Reserved.</p>.
>> Am I doing something wrong? Or does my technician need to change
>> something in the server configuration (if so what)?
>> Thanks,
>> Deidra
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