[nycphp-talk] php include file question

Timothy Arnold tim at
Mon Mar 31 17:50:59 EST 2003

Just to clarify, and I think this is what Louie was talking about...

Are you using the php include call on an html page?  Or do you have a page
(whatever.php) from which you are calling .html files as includes?  If this
is the case, and your main page is a .html page, then you cannot use <?php
include () ?> on it unless your server is specifically set up to parse .html
files as if they were php.  Dig?  So when he's talking about changing .html
to .php, he's talking about the main page, not the pages you are calling
from that page.  If this is your situation, you need to tell your web admin
to set up the webserver to parse .html files as if they were .php.

Hope I'm getting the problem right.  It's all a bit confusing.


On 3/31/03 5:38 PM, "Deidra McIntyre" <lists at> wrote:

> I passed along most of the emails to the syst. admin (technician) who
> installed the PHP on the servers. He's not in till tomorrow.
> I will try Dan's suggestion later tonight. Because, that may resolve the
> entire issue.
> I don't understand the question below. Too much short-hand. To reclarify,
> I have basic html pages for the site. Let's take one of them, index.html.
> Within index.html, I used several include files to call standard aspects
> of the site (i.e. header, certain repetitive images, and copyright). None
> of these include files contain php. They are just html (i.e. <p><img
> src="sameimageeverywhere.gif"></p>).
> Simply changing the html or include files to .php does not resolve the issue.
> Does that clarify it for you?
> Thanks,
> Deidra
> --> Deidra
> greetings folks,
>> you all list  all the problems the include() function can cause,
>> i dont think she realy describe her problem,
>> i just think she put the <? include("copyright.html"); ?>
>>  within  .html\\.htm extension.
>> she mention a technician so did the conf the php.ini
>> most off them leave the error all ,
>> and she didnt say nothin' about error
>> and she say :
>>> Within the HTML documents that call the include files,
>> within the html doc??????
>> she call the include() from html doc. ??
>> all she need than is to cahnge is the file  to "whatever.php"  and face
>> the scond problem :P
>> deidra : write the file name  ?
>>             and just C/P the code here,
>> best regards,
>> louie.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Deidra McIntyre" <lists at>
>> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
>> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 9:52 AM
>> Subject: [nycphp-talk] php include file question
>>> List,
>>> I'm breaking up my html site into includes (header, copyright, etc.).
>>> Within the HTML documents that call the include files, I have the
>>> appropriate php tags (i.e. <? include("copyright.html"); ?> . All of
>>> the includes (i.e. copyright.html) are sitting in the same directory
>>> as my html pages (i.e. index.html). PHP is installed.
>>> So, why, no matter what I do, don't the include files parse into my
>>> document? I have tried to changed the include extensions from .html to
>>> php to .inc. None parse. Most of my includes contain basic HTML (no
>>> php) like <p>Copyright &copy; 2003. All Rights Reserved.</p>.
>>> Am I doing something wrong? Or does my technician need to change
>>> something in the server configuration (if so what)?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Deidra
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Tim Arnold
tim at

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