[nycphp-talk] php and COM server...

pswebcode, nyc psaw at
Mon May 5 17:04:00 EDT 2003

Did you write the COM object yourself? 

Just playing the percentages, I'd say most likely there is a subtle
oversight in the COM object. The Microsoft product family tends to let
stuff slide. An outside product tends to play with all the documented
rules, in terms of number of parameters expected, data type of the
return value, and especially scope of variables. 

Always watch for and remember: null <> numeric zero <> zero-length

Also, have you checked the threading model of the object. Doesn't VB
often use some kind of hybrid threading model called "apartment"? ASP
will deal with it, of course. It is possible that PHP doesn't support

Sorry I couldn't go much deeper.

If you cut n paste the whole object code I could look at it.


----Original Message-----
From: Kerem Tuzemen [mailto:keremtuzemen at] 
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 10:39 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] php and COM server...

Hi all, 

I'm trying to implement a very primitive COM server which has an object
with only one method, returning an integer when called. As you can
imagine, I'm kinda playing around before beginning a new project. I'm
using Delphi to implement the COM server and in the lights of the
limited php documentation on this issue, I've found that the only COM
interface php can support is the IDispatch one, and implemented the
server according to these findings. Anyways, I tried running it using
ASP (keep your crosses inside, just testing the COM :) )  and it worked
as it should. When I tried to run it using php, the COM object initiated
without any problems, but when I call the method I get the following
php.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x00000001" referenced memory at "0x00000001". The
memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program
OK   Cancel   

Did anyone in this list try to implement something similar? Any
pointers, docs, etc. greatly appreciated. BTW, I'm currently running PHP
Version 4.3.2-dev


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