[nycphp-talk] Why Smarty?

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Mon May 5 18:07:53 EDT 2003

--- "Emmanuel. M. Decarie" <emm at> wrote:
> why use Smarty?
> I'm already using a MVC model to do all my PHP development.

Smarty's main feature, as I understand it, is to help developers separate
presentation from logic.

I think what you will find is that Smarty is less beneficial to developers who
are already very organized in terms of the software architecture they use
(whether you subscribe to the MVC school of thought or not).

Of course, the same argument can be said for OOP. You can nearly achieve the
same level of organization with an intelligent software design. However, OOP is
very popular due to the way it encourages or aids in such organization, and for
similar reasons, Smarty is also very popular due to the way it can aid in
separating presentation from logic.

My guess is that you will find fewer benefits (since you use an MVC model
already) than someone whose software design can be summarized as "every page is
a single PHP script".

Hope that helps.


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