[nycphp-talk] Why Smarty?

Malcolm, Gary gmalcolm at
Mon May 5 18:13:41 EDT 2003


	Smarty is pure MVC...

	The business logic model is completely in the programmers hands (me)
and  can be passed off design to people who like to make pretty pictures...
with the caveat that they get the Smarty template logic to make repetative
stuff like tables easy without diving into the complexity of a full blown

	Smarty is the go-between Controller with a built in debugger.

	I can support thousands more pages now that I don't have to think
about layout or coach designers through script code.

	If you maintain a small site and enjoy layout detail yourself then
this tool is still cool but probably unnecessary... 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Emmanuel. M. Decarie [mailto:emm at]
> Sent: Monday, 05 May, 2003 3:01 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Why Smarty?
> Beside caching, why use Smarty? I'm a little bit puzzled by this.
> <>
> I'm already using a MVC model to do all my PHP development.
> It look to me that Smarty is recreating its own mini language 
> à la EmbedPerl.
> <>
> Is there an advantage in that? Am I missing something here?
> Please, don't see this as flames bait. I just want to hear about the 
> pro and con.
> Cheers
> -Emmanuel
> -- 
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> Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
> Radio UserLand/Frontier - Perl - PHP - Javascript  
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