[nycphp-talk] The PHP Framework?

Ivan Tumanov ivan.nyphp at
Mon May 12 12:17:24 EDT 2003

Well, lets not get carried away over flaming ASP.NET here, the platform
definitely has some advantages and it doesn't hurt to know what it has to
offer.  Microsoft propaganda obviously isn't the best source for learning
about the platform :)

ASP.NET has a collection of controls that automate what they've dubbed
"post-back".  Basically a form can make round-trips to the server by posting
itself using Javascript (or the subset MS has decided to call JScript) when
values change, when things are clicked, etc.  Also, these web controls can
be set to automatically generate JScript code to verify values, do a popup
to alert the user to invalid value range, etc.  So that's what I believe
they're referring to - the ability to generate client JScript code to do
perform some pretty complicated client-side behavior.

I think what we can learn from that as PHP programmers is that there is a
place for doing a "post-back" to the server, and that we can develop similar
"controls" that will make it easier for us to write client-side validation
(among other things) code.  In fact, I'm sure there is tons of code already
available to do this - so the MS article is definitely off-center in its
"objective" comparison of the two platforms.

-----Original Message-----
From: webmaster at [mailto:webmaster at]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 8:23 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] The PHP Framework?

I have never used, but for the record, the programmer would write
application in Jscript and it would be compiled into the CLR which would run
the server, not the client.
Why? is another story. I guess the MS market research department did a study
and found out there were a bunch of javascripters who refused to learn a
side language.
But really, the concept of writing in any language and having it work with
other programmer's code written in a different language is at least

Quoting "Vanmosel, Arno" <Arno.Vanmosel at>:

> Sorry ... I replied to the wrong subject in the mailing.
> You see ... that's how funny this article by Microsoft actualy is.... I
> total control over myself! lmao
> --- Original sent ---
> Hehehehe ....
> This is just to funny!
> "JScript" ... didn't even see that one!
> Client side scripting is supported by .NET ... no shit Sherlock!
> And it better support your own languages too ... Wouldn't it be funny
> is .NET did not support VB .NET? It's like PHP not supporting ...
> well ... mod-php.
> What is next?  hehehehe
> Thanks Hans ... I needed a good laugh.
> Arno

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