[nycphp-talk] learning about foreach continued

Joshua S. Freeman jfreeman at
Wed May 21 15:59:03 EDT 2003

Hi Max,

I can see you're trying to help me and I appreciate it.

So...  I can't seem to do anything with either mysql_fetch_both or
mysql_fetch_num... mysql_fetch_array brings up TOO much information...

I don't have enough background yet to put the information you've given me
here to good use.


On 5/21/03 3:47 PM, "max goldberg" <max at> wrote:

> From
> The function mysql_fetch_array() uses a constant for the different types
> of result arrays. The following constants are defined:
> Table 3. MySQL fetch constants
> constant description
> MYSQL_ASSOC Columns are returned into the array having the fieldname as
> the array index.
> MYSQL_BOTH Columns are returned into the array having both a numerical
> index and the fieldname as the array index.
> MYSQL_NUM Columns are returned into the array having a numerical index
> to the fields. This index starts with 0, the first field in the result.
> More at
> -max
> Joshua S. Freeman wrote:
>> Thanks for everyone who's chimed in so far... I appreciate the various
> code
>> snippets but I'm trying to see if I can do everything I need here using
>> 'foreach()'...
>> so..
>> since this:
>> $query= mysql_query("select * FROM taxa_order");
>>   $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
>>         print ("<select name=\\"order\\">");
>>         foreach ($result as $key=>$val)
>>         print "<option value=\\"$key\\">$val</option>";
>>         print ("</select>");
>> yields this:
>> <select name="order"><option value="order_id">1</option><option
>> value="order_name">Hymenoptera</option></select>
>> how do I get it to stop from creating two <option></option> rows (there's
>> only one row in the table!) and how do I get it to stop from including the
>> names of the columns and just including the value for each column in
> the one
>> row?
>> J.
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