CM Tool / Interface to PHP

Rudy Gamberini rudy at
Sun May 25 18:20:38 EDT 2003

First a little background.  While I develop LAMP applications my paying job
is as a software process engineer.  I’m from the dark-side as some
developers like to refer to my role.  One of the major elements of a
well-defined development organization is a Process Asset Library (PAL).  A
PAL is a controlled repository of artifacts typically used in the software
development process.  While I won’t bore you with all the attributes
associated with each of the artifacts what is important is the fact that
these artifacts are controlled via a configuration managed (CM) tool.  The
artifacts range in type from Word documents to Excel spreadsheets to
Powerpoint presentations.   In today’s world we use CM tools like Visual
Source Safe or Clearcase from Rational.  While these tools do an adequate
job they don’t fit into the vision I have for a PAL.

What I want is a thin-client interface (browser based) that will allow the
user to get the latest copy of a document for use or Check it out, in the CM
sense, to update and Check it back in.  The Check-out and Check-in actions
need to be controlled as they typically are via a CM tool.  The artifact
attributes will be stored in a database (MySQL) while the documents will be
controlled in the CM tool.  The thin-client will allow the users to find the
artifacts via search criteria they will select via dropdown list boxes show
the various artifact attributes.

What I’m looking for is any information on interfacing to a CM tool, CM
tools,  or better yet a CM tool that readily connects to a browser via PHP.

While I develop everything on Linux/Apache for the  web-server, I could be
convinced to use IIS (the pain) if that is necessary.  Actually some clients
may need an IIS solution so that is not totally out of the picture.

Even giving me hint of where to start looking would be appreciated.



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