[nycphp-talk] PHP Compatibility and Portability

Tracy tech_learner at
Mon May 26 00:16:15 EDT 2003

there is one PHP gallery available for download. i am not able to recollect exactly where i saw it but i checks the php version and helps the user to set the proper GD library installation. if the version is not wot is expected, it gives the msg to the user. is this some thing close to wot u want?

Hans Zaunere <hans at> wrote:

Good evening,

Has anyone heard of a system for checking the compatibility and portability
of PHP source? For instance, given a block of source, it would say minimum
PHP version requirement, various options that need to be set, extensions that
would need to be enabled, etc.

It wouldn't be terribly hard to write, but I don't want to reinvent the
wheel. I've seen the various PHP function tables, tokenizers, etc. but a
complete solution to parse and report on a PHP source set would be handy.



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