[nycphp-talk] need some form help...

Joshua S. Freeman jfreeman at
Tue May 27 11:07:10 EDT 2003

right now everything is in the same file...


On 5/27/03 9:38 AM, "Aaron Fischer" <agfische at> wrote:

> Hey Josh,
> It would depend on how you have your form page and php processing set
> up.  How do you have your logic set up?  Do you have the form as one
> page and the php processing as a separate file, or are they both in the
> same file?
> Aaron
> On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 09:05 US/Eastern, Joshua S. Freeman wrote:
>> Hi Aaron,
>> So... if, in my form, I want both the date to both be part of my form
>> input
>> as well as displayed on the page when the page is loaded, how do I
>> write
>> that code?
>> Say I have a webpage 'waspsurvey.php3' that contains my form.
>> When a surveyor loads that page in his/her browser, the form is
>> displayed
>> for the surveyor to fill out.
>> At a point on the form, there is the parameter 'Date:'  so, I'd want
>> ' $date = date("Y-m-d");
>>   print "$date";'
>> in waspsurvey.php3 so that the date will print in the page.. but..
>> what do I
>> do to capture "$date" so that it becomes part of my form input?  <input
>> type="hidden" name="date" value="$date"> ?
>> J.
>> the On 5/27/03 8:20 AM, "Aaron Fischer" <agfische at>
>> wrote:
>>> For date, In your php script that handles the form, you can do
>>> something like:
>>> $date = date("Y-m-d");
>>> Then you can insert $date along with your other form variables into
>>> the
>>> mysql table.
>>> Aaron
>>>>> Another point of confusion... one of the fields in the survey form
>>>>> is 'survey_date'.
>>>>> I have field of type 'date' in my 'specimen' table... I'd like to
>>>>> have
>>>>> the 'survey_date' be handled automagically for the surveyor by PHP
>>>>> and
>>>>> MySQL..
>>>>> any suggestions on how best to accomplish that?
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