[nycphp-talk] include "<?php" in data

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Wed Nov 5 11:59:28 EST 2003

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 10:01:21AM -0500, Michael Southwell wrote:
> At 10:35 PM 11/3/2003, you wrote:

You being who?

> So then I thought:  this 
> should be just one page with variable data; instead of ten pages each 2K, 
> have one page 10K.  Smaller and faster.

It's bigger and slower.  PHP now has to parse 10k of code instead of 2.  
Plus editing the content in such a way seems unwieldy.  I find it far 
more direct to manage items by file name.

Whatever is common between the pages should get templated.  Then, there 
are two options:  1) have the template include the content, or 2) have the 
content include the templates.  The approach you want depends on what 
you're doing.


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