[nycphp-talk] OT: Coldfusion and mysql

Brian Pang bpang at
Sat Nov 8 11:33:15 EST 2003

I would say export your Access DB as a CSV and use phpMyAdmin to import
it into mySQL. If you have to get the data back out and into Access, you
could dump it out as CSV using phpMyAdmin.

I don't think you can "run" Access on a linux server, or open it in any
other way. I could be wrong, because I would never try it.
You might be able to put Access on a Windows server and have php connect
to it. I don't think I would ever try that myself, either.

This is one of the stranger queries I've seen on this list. The "M" in
LAMP is for "m"ySQL, not "M"S Access. Contemplating accessing MS Access
from LAMP is a little contradictory.

If you're stuck with your MS Access database, this would be one of those
times (if I didn't hand the work to someone else), that I might consider
just using ASP on a Windows box (ugh).

good luck

> What about accessing a MS Access database from a LAMP system?  I would
> like to ftp the database to the Linux server, and be able to get to it
> from PHP.  Has anybody been able to do that before?
> Bill

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