[nycphp-talk] Apache 2.0 and PHP

Tim Gales tgales at
Thu Nov 20 15:36:28 EST 2003

John Lacey wrote:
> Seems that some might use the thread-safety issue to knock 
> PHP with FUD. 

Who's the 'some' -- java fanatics?

You might find this interesting:

"Despite a strong commitment among enterprises that are developing
applications around Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, those
organizations are only averaging about 88 percent availability for
existing Java-based production applications..."

"With an average availability of 88 percent, that is "the equivalent of
having an application down one day a week..."

"When it comes to meeting performance expectations, respondents also
reported that on average they achieved their target performance only 80
percent of the time. Some 65 percent of the respondents reported achieving
their target performance 90 percent of the time..."

This comes from an article "Survey Questions Java App Reliability" By
Paula Musich November 18, 2003 at,4149,1388643,00.asp?kc=EWNWS111903DTX1K000
0599. The survey covered 
360 enterprises representing 16 industries, 43 countries, and equally
divided between large and small organizations.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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