[nycphp-talk] LIPHP meeting - 11/24 @ 8pm - Hauppauge

tom at tom at
Fri Nov 21 12:09:36 EST 2003

Hey gang,

The greatly anticipated monthly LIPHP meeting is once again upon us!  Don't
be fooled, 11/24 IS the last Monday of the month.  Get your fix of LIPHP
BEFORE your turkey!

Our meetings are the last Monday of every month, at 8pm in Hauppauge, LI,

For directions and to join the mailing list (90 members and counting!), go

Regarding the meeting topic, we are switching things around bit, to elicit
more participation and attendance, and frankly, to make up for the shortage
of speakers.  In future meetings where we do not have a speaker, the format
will be more of a discussion:

- Problems/Questions/Interesting things regarding PHP and AMP technology
- Found any cool sites using PHP and AMP technology
- show your site - attendants are encouraged to show their work, and
demonstrate functionality/design/etc.
- web related discussions - front end design, cool javascript widgets,
happenings in the "corporate" web world, etc.
- trends in development, and even open source in general

Basically, I have found that many interesting discussions flourish on
related topics after the presentations, so I felt this was a way to bring
this fact out to the community - that all this web/PHP cool stuff is going
on right here on Long Island!

We'll still be doing presentations in the future, but they will most likely
be either less in-depth or not monthly, again due to the lack of speakers.
I personally have some ideas for future presentations, but am not confident
to say that I would have them available before January.  Anyone interested
in doing presentations please contact me directly or send email to the list.

Newbies and Pros are both encouraged to attend, LIPHP has something for
everyone.  If you are just learning, or polishing off the next big ERP
system, we are all very interested in hearing about it.

Thanks to the folks at NYPHP and LILUG, who I have gleened many of these
(and future!) ideas from.

The Krispy Kremes will definitely be here (and we always have leftovers -
come and eat them, already!!).  You should be, too.

See you Monday @ 8pm


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