[nycphp-talk] Perl bumped by PHP in the Linux Journal Reader's Choice Awards

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Tue Oct 14 14:58:18 EDT 2003

--- Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg <adam at> wrote:
> I just attended a presentation by Tim O'Reilly where he broke down
> computer books sales data by programming language.
> I don't remember the exact order, but I believe it went something
> like this:
> 1) Java
> 2) VB
> 3) JavaScript
> 4) PHP? (Maybe C# is 4 and PHP is 5)
> ...
> X) C, C++, C#
> ...
> Y) Perl
> PHP books outsell Perl books considerably. The Perl market is in the
> toilet compared to a few years ago, while PHP has gone up, up,
> up. Non-programming programming langauges, like VB and JS are more
> popular than most programmers expect. (Just as how Photoshop is the
> best selling computer book subject.)

I remember Nat saying something similar recently. It still doesn't explain

I see a couple of Perl books on there, and sometimes there are as many as four.
However, I have only seen a PHP book make their top 25 once, and it was
Rasmus's. Of course, if buyers had any sense, it would be PHP Cookbook. :-)

But, I'm happy to hear that PHP is a growing book market. That means good
things to come for people like us.


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