[nycphp-talk] SQL Standards (there are so many to choose from)

Tim Gales tgales at
Wed Oct 22 14:28:02 EDT 2003

Hans Zaunere  wrote:


>> Yeah, I've read somewhere that it never hurts to quote
even numeric 

>> field value types. That's standard rather than
MySQL-specific, no?

(from David Mintz)


>Yeah, in fact Oracle will often curse you if you don't use
single quotes everywhere (not that >Oracle uses SQL
standards).  That said, and this could probably be viewed as
a bad habit, when working with mySQL.


SQL standards - which standard?




ISO/ IEC (working draft) 9075-2:2003 (E)

ISO/ IEC JTC 1/ SC 32/WG 3

SQL92 Entry Level  or maybe SQL:1999 Core Level


This is a pet peeve of mine, but I will throw it out here
anyway, I wish people would say:

"Do you think this SQL syntax is 'portable' to Sybase (or
some other DBMS) " instead of saying "is this SQL 'standard'


Because that is what (I think) they mean. 


As for standards -- they are voted on by committee members
who are oftentimes placed on the committees by big vendors
like Oracle in order to steer the standard towards what they
(the big vendors) have already developed. That way the
vendors can advertise that they are fully compliant with a
certain standard. 


I don't really hold much hope to ever really 'get my arms
around' SQL standard syntax  - I will settle for being able
to use MySQL to get some things done. I realize its sort of
'sour grapes' - thumbing my nose at standards because I
can't understand them. But for me even the name 'MySQL'
holds a certain charm  - it is "my sql" verses say Larry
Ellison's sql.


Notwithstanding the above, I still like to read about SQL
standards and relational database developments in general. I
found an article at
written by Peter Gulutzan, who co-wrote the book "SQL-99
Complete, Really" and now works for MySQL AB in their quest
to become 'standard'. Maybe this will be of some interest to
readers of this list.

T. Gales & Associates 
Helping People Connect with Technology 


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