[nycphp-talk] MySQL sync tool ...

jon baer jonbaer at
Wed Oct 22 23:19:07 EDT 2003

came across a pretty cool tool called sqlyog (needed to local <-> remote
sync) - are there any others? ...


a.. MySQL 4.1 compatible
a.. very fast retrieval of data
a.. ODBC Import with option to import data through query
a.. data sycnhronization tool
a.. schedule various jobs
a.. schema synchronization tool
a.. update result returned from query
a.. manage foreign key relationships
a.. fully InnoDB compliant
a.. view your results in GRID / TEXT mode
a.. fast client side sorting and filtering
a.. execute ( very large ) SQL-scripts as batch files
a.. execute multiple queries returning more than 1000s of rows per
resultset. Its very efficient in memory
a.. very compact binary
a.. written entirely in C/C++/Win32 APIs using native MySQL C APIs. No
wrapper classes used
a.. connection manager
a.. excel like grid interface to create/alter tables
a.. excel like grid interface to edit data with support for Enum/Set
a.. create/drop databases
a.. manage indexes
a.. comprehensive security manager. Control access to
a.. reorder columns of table
a.. copy database between two MySQL hosts
a.. drop all tables of a database with a single click
a.. edit BLOBs with Bitmap/GIF/JPEG-Support
a.. export table-structure and data into SQL-scripts
a.. export/import data in/from CSV files
a.. export database schema in HTML
a.. log all queries for a session
a.. profile queries
a.. syntax-highlighting
a.. save resultset in CSV, HTML and XML
a.. save your commonly used SQL scripts in a personal folder with a click of
a.. is very keyboard friendly. You can work with 99% features of SQLyog with

a.. view and kill other user-processes
a.. view advanced table-properties, such as Type, Comment, Key_Length and so
a.. a list of server-variables e.g processlist, status, variables etc
a.. copy your result as CSV in clipboard
a.. copy tables to new table-names
a.. change table-types to ISAM, MYISAM, MERGE, HEAP, InnoDB, BDB
a.. flush Host/Logs/Privileges/Tables
a.. do table-diagnostics (check, optimize, repair, analyze)

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