[nycphp-talk] <IfDefine> w/ PHP 4/5 ...

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Oct 23 08:30:37 EDT 2003

jon baer wrote:

> Hans wrote:
> it's hugely powerful, but not all, and you may run into some restrictions in
> regards to security.  That said, Jon, I think it'd make for a great
> article/demo on setting PHP through httpd.conf only (or as much as possible
> and what just can't bet set).
> This is true, ive noticed a few variables pertaining to safe_mode are
> protected but one of the more easy ideas pertain to auto includes + db
> setups:
> /usr/sbin/httpd -DEV
> <IfDefine EV>
> <VirtualHost *>
> ServerAdmin foo at
> DocumentRoot "/var/dev/www"
> ServerName dev
> # php stuff
> php_value auto_append_file "/var/dev/"
> phpe_value error_reporting "E_ALL"
> </VirtualHost>
> </IfDefine>

Flexibility like this isn't often used, and I think people forget just how powerful Apache can be.  It's a bit ironic, just to rant a bit here, how people feel the need for an xml-based application configuration file, akin to JSP/CF, when in fact Apache's own conf file is 95% there or more.

> should probably go into the virtual host phundamental setups or something.
> my original problem with the 2 php's was the setup for taking php4ts.dll's
> into effect (since they seem to only look for the single one in the window
> path) ...

The PHundamentals guys have been kicking around an Advanced PHundamentals, and I think this is a great starter topic for that, when it comes together.


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