[nycphp-talk] SQL Standards (there are so many to choose from)

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Oct 23 12:33:24 EDT 2003

Analysis & Solutions wrote:

> Hi Folks:
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 02:28:02PM -0400, Tim Gales wrote:
>>Hans Zaunere  wrote:
>>>Yeah, in fact Oracle will often curse you if you don't use
>>>single quotes everywhere
> Hans, can you please talk more about that?  Like, for example, is it going
> to bitch about not using single quotes around a numeric literal you're
> inserting into an integer colunn?  Or are you saying that it wants you to
> use single quotes rather than double quotes?

If it's a numeric column, and a numeric value, it'll let you get away without using any quotes, for instance:


But if it's a column of type string, date/time, etc, you'll need single quotes to avoid the "invalid number" error.  And double quotes are just a no no.

>>found an article at
>>written by Peter Gulutzan, who co-wrote the book "SQL-99
>>Complete, Really"
> Excellent link!

Yeah, that is one for the bookmarks.

> Does anyone HAVE that book?  I'm interested in purchasing it, but I'd 
> like to see it before hand, especially since it runs ~$70 list.  I called 
> three Barnes and Noble's, including the textbook one, and they don't have 
> it.

I've had good luck with Amazon's used books:

Or, they have it for $50.


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