[nycphp-talk] First Big Client

David Mintz dmintz at
Mon Sep 8 15:08:47 EDT 2003

Brian's et al's comments are most helpful to this semi-professionl PHP
dude who would like to get more work. There are lots of intriguing
questions that I have about hourly rates, going rates, care and feeding of
clients, and perhaps most important, how to estimate the hours that a
project will take. I used to think ewerything took me 8 times longer than
I thought it should because of my incompetence. Now I think, yeah, I'm a
plodder, that's part of it... but it ain't the whole story. This stuff
takes time. (Yeah I know, all other things being equal, the genius will
bang it out in an afternoon while three weeks later, the non-genius' brain
will be fried, eyes stinging from too much monitor-staring, the job still
not done.)

Some of these are delicate questions that are perhaps best discussed in a
nonpublic forum, Once upon a time the translation and interpretation
industry (in which I have my day job) was the subject of FTC investigation
for price-fixing, because people were talking about what to charge. It was
not pleasant.

Maybe I'll show up at that party on the 19th and pick you-guys' brains.

David Mintz
Email: See first!

"Y dále p'abajo"

	Tito Rojas

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